Killing Party

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

milestone 0 : checkout what i need right now

i have decided, right now is my 0 milestone. this technique i believe can be useful, so i can see in every years in the future, what will change.

u know, right now what i need, some pleasure goods (which can make me happy), are :
  1. VW vintage car (either combi or beetle)
  2. motocross motor cycle (maybe Ts 150 will be fine)
  3. old bicycle, like many jogjanese always use
  4. good laptop. i think rellion-5 million rupiahs-class like my friend's would be good
  5. small scale trading-business
  6. nice 'kosan' which is not hot in the midday

what about investment? try some simple investment channel, for me to try the aura. i have to try it, to my own good..

so, this is my 0 milestone. see you in the next milestone. o ya, how far will i set my every milestone? 6 month? 1 year? 1 year is a good one, isnt it? cu in next 1 year (18 october 2007), and let see what will change in that time.


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